Old School, The Hangover director Todd Phillips
Anyway, with that on the table i'd like to discuss a couple of films. The first; Todd Phillips' The Hangover (2009), followed by Kathryn Bigelow's Iraq war drama, The Hurt Locker (2009). For weeks I had been hearing about the former of the two, and all I had heard were rave reviews. Granted, with raunchy comedies like this one, a rave review can only go so far, as this type of comedy is not universal in the way that family friendly comedies like Tommy Boy (1995), or Dumb and Dumber (1994) are. Nonetheless, I had planned to go and see Transformers 2 (2009) at a special 3:15am show on it's opening night (the midnight was sold out), but when the lady friend I was with and I agreed we'd rather enjoy the comforts of a bed and covers than a movie theater, we decided to forgoe the film and see it the next day. However, the opening day shows were all sold out, so we decided to see Todd Phillip's newest attempt to top his original hit Old School (2003). Quite honestly, it was more forgettable than miraculous. While I expected the actors to fill the spots of Will Ferrel, Vince Vaughn and Luke Wilson, they failed o bring the same crisp magic to the film that the comic veterans brought so impactfully to Old School (2003). Most of the gags felt cheap and predictable, and where certain moments of all Phillip's films all have that sort of trying too hard edge to them, this one just didn't explode off the screen in its strong moments like I expected it would. I will admit that my high expectations may be partially responsible for some of my disappointment, but that aside, I think i'm a decently objective critic. I'd give The Hangover (2009) a B-, or a 71%.
As for The Hurt Locker (2009), I won't say too much now, as I'd like to properly review it when I've actually seen the film. The most exciting element for me here is that fact that it is directed by Kathryn Bigelow. For those that aren't familiar with Bigelow, she was once married to legendary dircetor James Cameron, and in 1991, she directed my all time favorite film, Point Break (1991). This new picture looks to be her most serious effort to date, and has recieved nothing but solid praise. The story is of a member of a United States bomb squad who has seemingly lost his fear or sensitivity to the danger of his job. Stationed in the heart of the Iraq war, he develops an uncommon relationship with his team. Beyond that, I don't really know what to expect. Nonetheless, I am very excited for it. I'll et you guys know what I think.